I am so excited to share this post with you today.. I am sharing 10 Christmas decorations tips, to turn your home into a pink winter wonderland.. There is nothing that I love more than to decorate our home, especially for the Christmas Holiday Season and I truly hope I can inspire you with some of these amazing tips..


1. Decorate your Christmas Tree while having a delicious hot chocolate and listening to Christmas songs 

One of my most favorite Christmas Traditions has to be decorating the Christmas tree while drinking a delicious hot chocolate and listening to Christmas songs.. It’s so much fun to decorate the Christmas tree, especially while listening to your favorite Christmas songs and drinking a delicious hot chocolate..


2. Decorate your home for the Christmas Holiday Season

One of the most favourite things that I love to do for Christmas is to decorate our home, I just love to decorate our home for Christmas with all the pretty lights, a beautiful Christmas tree adorned with beautiful pink flowers and the most beautiful Nutcracker and Swan Lake ballet inspired ornaments.. I also love to decorate our dining table for the Christmas Holiday Season.. I love to fill it with beautiful flowers, some pretty pink nutcrackers, some beautiful pink tree ornaments and some delicious treats, like some pretty Christmas Cookies..


3. Light your favourite Christmas Scented candle

I just love to light my favourite candle for the Christmas Holiday Season.. My favorite Christmas candle has to be the Yankee Snowflake Cookie Candle it truly smells so heavenly and it always reminds me of Christmas to have our home smells like fresh baked cookies.. It just smells so heavenly.. and I just love it so much, It’s one of my most favourite candles..

4. Add some beautiful Fairy Lights to your Home 

I just love to decorate our home with some beautiful fairy lights, especially for the Christmas season.. I think that it truly looks so magical and so beautiful to fill your home with beautiful fairy lights for the holiday season.


5. Decorate your front door for the Christmas Holiday Season

I just love to add two pretty Christmas tree’s at my front door, decorated with some pretty lights, and some pretty pink and white poinsettia’s while decorating the front door with a beautiful Christmas inspired wreath.. It truly looks so beautiful and inviting..


6. Decorate your fireplace for the Christmas

This is the first year that I’ve decided to decorate our fireplace for Christmas.. On the top of our fireplace, I added a beautiful pink Christmas village with a beautiful snowy garland and some pretty pink flowers and some fairy lights. I also added to big pink nutcrackers, one on each side some pretty candles in the middle and some beautiful Christmas tree’s to make it look like a magical fairyland adorned with two nutcracker soldiers and a beautiful pink wonderland and top.. It truly looks so magical and I love to decorate our fireplace for Christmas.. You can also add some beautiful stockings to your fireplace


7. Decorate your Dining table for Christmas

Every year I just love to decorate our dining table for the Christmas season.. I love to add a beautiful table cloth to my table, then I add some pretty tree ornaments to our table, I have some beautiful flowers in the centre, then I like to add some pretty candles and china pieces.. I also added two pretty pink nutcrackers to our table and I also love to add some delicious treats to our Christmas dining table.. It’s so much fun to decorate your table for the Christmas season and you just make it as pretty as you can.. Just add some beautiful Christmas ornaments, some fairy lights and your favourite china pieces to make it look like a beautiful pink winter wonderland.. You can see our Christmas Dinging Table here.. 

8. Add some beautiful Presents underneath your Christmas Tree

I think that this is one of the most magical aspects of Christmas are the presents.. I just love to wrap my Christmas presents as beautiful as I can.. I love to collect some beautiful wrapping paper and some cute ornaments that you can use to wrap your gifts.. It truly looks so magical underneath the tree and so beautiful as well.. and the best part of course is to open the presents on Christmas even and on Christmas morning of course..


9. Decorate your Coffee Table

I just love to decorate your Coffee table for the Christmas Season, You can add some beautiful books, a bowl with some baubles, some beautiful flowers and some pretty Christmas tree ornaments and a beautiful candle.. I just love to decorate our coffee table for the Christmas holiday season, it always looks so festive and so beautiful and I also love to change it throughout the season to make it look very pretty and festive..


10. Add some pretty Sweets to your home

During the holiday season, I just love to have some delicious Christmas cookies and some delicious treats.. That’s why I love to decorate our home with some delicious Christmas Cookies, a pretty gingerbread house and some yummy cupcakes.. I just love to spoil myself with some of these delicious treats, especially in the Christmas Holiday Season..

These were 10 tips for how to decorate your home for Christmas, I truly hope I can inspire you and I am wishing you the most magical and beautiful Christmas Holiday Season filled with Lots of love, joy health and happiness.. May you can spend it with your loved ones and may all your hopes and dreams come true.. sending you lots of love

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